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Ufficio Scolastico regionale USR FVG  

Address: Via Santi Martiri 3,

34123 Trieste - ITALY


Contact person: Valentina Feletti

Telephone: +39 040 4194111

Email: arturo.campanella@istruzione.it

Website: http://www.scuola.fvg.it





The Regional Education Office for Friuli Venezia Giulia Region (USR FVG), branch of the Ministry of Education, has the task to define and develop an educational offer on the basis of training needs analysis carried out in collaboration with local authorities and stakeholders. USR FVG is in charge for the relations with the regional administration and local organizations regarding the integrated training offer, adult education, higher technical education (HTA) and link between education and labour world. It collaborates with the National Institute for the evaluation of the educational system (INVALSI). USR FVG carries out quality monitoring of school services and verifies customer satisfaction. During the 2012/13 school year USR FVG was in charge of 172 schools (7.169 school classes) with 143.982 students. USR FVG carries out many internationally oriented activities, mainly in collaboration with Slovenia and Austria, and helps schools manage European projects.




The Regional Education Office (USR FVG) will be the institutional promoter of the training activities aimed at teachers, trainers and counselors in the Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia, by promoting, disseminating and valorizing the Catalogue among the target groups. USR FVG will identify and involve teachers, trainers and counselors, encouraging their participation in the seminars in the companies, testing the Catalogue through Pilot visits.
The USR FVG will also participate with own representatives in the coordination and management meetings of the project, as well as in the analysis, adaptation and implementation of the model with reference to the specific characteristics of the territory, economic sectors and target groups involved in the program of the in-company seminars. The USR FVG will be involved in the valorization and dissemination of the project results (Go & Learn regional workshop) and will participate in the Final Conference.

