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Città Metropolitana di Bologna - Servizio Scuola e Formazione  

Address: Via Malvasia 4,

40131 Bologna - ITALY


Contact person: Laura Venturi

Telephone: +39 051 6598508

Email: laura.venturi@cittametropolitana.bo.it

Website: http://www.cittametropolitana.bo.it/scuola/




Servizio Scuola e Formazione (School and Training service) of Bologna Province plans and manages actions to qualify school and vocational/career guidance services, in order to support school autonomy and promote educational innovation. It’s aim is to contrast early school leaving, support the disadvantaged and integrate foreign students.
With special attention to people at risk of social exclusion, it offers training courses for young people - helping them to complete their cycle of compulsory education, for adults employed or unemployed, and for companies.
It promotes the relationship between education and training institutions, organizations of the working world and local governments; it coordinates institutional bodies and the development of technical assistance services; it implements initiatives aimed to enrich curricular competencies outputs; it supports the transition from school to employment, including promotion of employability and local development.



Servizio Scuola e Formazione carries out a coordination function of the “Inter-institutional school-territory-labour group” by giving technical assistance to the activities that promote connection and exchange between school/training and enterprise/labour systems. For this reason, Servizio Scuola e Formazione will be the institutional promoter of the training activities aimed at teachers, trainers and counselors in the Province of Bologna, by promoting, disseminating and valorizing the Catalogue among the target groups. Besides, it will support the effective integration of the project with local initiaves, and will organise the Final Conference of the project.

