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Regione Marche  

Address: Via Tiziano 44,

60125 Ancona - ITALY


Contact person: Paola Paolinelli

Telephone: +39 071 8063852

Email: paolinelli.p@regione.marche.it

Website: http://www.regione.marche.it





Regione Marche (RM) is a public body. Marche region has an economy based on SMEs; according to the EU, Marche is one of the 25 most industrialized regions in Europe with an interface role with the south and east of Europe. The Professional Training Service of Regione Marche deals with system actions (structures accreditation, certification, guidance) and conveys innovation to foster quality and promotes integration between education/training and labour/companies systems. It is member of the Euroguidance Italy and ESF.Co. Net networks. It participates in the
T.OR.RE Board, an interinstitutional body for lifelong guidance, which includes the 4 Marche universities, the Marche USR and the 5 Marche Provinces. The Professional Training Service, and the Marche Region as a whole, have considerable experience in interregional cooperation and projects in Europe and in the management of policies relevant to the present project.




Regione Marche is the institutional partner of this project. It will participate in the steering committee and it will involve in the project the T.OR.RE Board. It will give its contribution to the evaluation/validation of project processes and tools, as well as to the implementation of the project innovative outputs, by establishing new regional guidelines. RM will carry out dissemination activities at regional and European level through the national and European networks such as Euroguidance, ESF.CO.Net, EURES.

