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[Go&Learn] An international catalogue of study visits in SMEs   (Finished)


The initiative was aimed to enhance certain aspects of the EU mobility program’s efficiency and efficacy: the low level of mutual interest in and understanding of a neighbouring country’s economic fabric and history; the inadequate support given to schools and VET bodies (most of which don’t have transnational mobility as a standard part of their curricula) in terms of reliable foreign partners able to guarantee quality in exchange activities and original learning proposals.


The Go&Learn initiative offers to all those interested in-company guidance and training, the chance to access an international catalogue of themed training seminars, which can be:

Seminars in company

> They are planned training units carried out in non-formal learning environments

> Target groups: students of secondary school, vocational training, apprenticeship, high education; workers and unemployed people participating in LLL actions

> The seminars are oriented to fulfil non-formal and formal learning needs, with the objective to become an integral part of the standard curricula


Economic discovery visits

> They are activities of discovery of economic frames. They can be: Industrial Tourism Visits aimed to foster the discovery of the local economy, enhancing existing local tourist’s visits programs, or Guidance seminars/visits aimed to learn more about professions and professional settings in the local job market, enhancing existing guidance paths proposed by schools, VET, universities, employment centres.



> A Circuit is a cluster of thematic seminars, guidance seminars, industrial tourism visits or any combination of them is called a Circuit. If relevant for study and guidance purposes, the Circuits will be linked to courses and training paths, if relevant for industrial tourism they can be linked to other tourism programs of discovery of the local culture, traditions and land

> The international G&L catalogue, managed by the European G&L network, is a catalogue of Circuits that can be accessed by a group of participants coming from other European countries.



Concept development of the G&L idea: to reach a common reference standard of structure and quality of G&L services, easily transferable and with a long term sustainability.

> reference standard

> G&L website


Valorization of products and networks: give local added value to G&L idea. Establish of networks and translation/adaptation of documents to each partner’s context and language.

> local standards

> website in local languages

> LNMB and networks settled


Validation of standards and products: implementation of Pilot circuits with a strong monitoring to fine tune the G&L products and services.

> validated documentation

> products and website services


Dissemination and Exploitation: aimed at increasing the number of stakeholders involved in the project, raise awareness of the initiative, spread news and main outcomes at local/European level, ensure transfer of experience to new contexts; uphold commercialization of the catalogue.ù

> networks consolidation

> accreditation standard

> pricing policy

> conferences


Workgroups involed in outcome development

G&L European Net Maintenance Group (ENMG) : includes 1 member for each partner, one as Implementing Organization (on behalf of VET systems, in charge of the implementation of the local activities) the other as Dissemination Organization (on behalf of stakeholders and promotors). ENMG will manage and maintain the G&L international nets and catalogues; its members will be members of the LNMB as well, to secure an easy transfer of the international guidelines and standards to each country.

ENMG will plan activities, update exploitation tools, implement catalogues, set up the promoters and training companies networks, choose the tipology of visits, companies and themes, collect the data necessary to monitor activities.


G&L Local Net Maintenance Body (LNMB) : the minimum configuration foresees 1 coordinator, 1 local labour market expert, 1 secretary, 1 tutor/facilitator. LNMB should be set up by the two national partners; where the Implementation partner will guarantee operation while the Dissemination partner will guarantee exploitation. LNMB will update, maintain and implement the local catalogue of G&L circuits.

G&L Concept development (CDG) : coordinated by EnAIP FVG during the project lifespan; includes 1 member for each partner of the project. In charge of the development of the standard description of the G&L concept.

G&L Website development (WDG) : composed of the project coordinator, 2 members of the ENMG, 2 members CDG, the experts and technicians in charge of the website development.


The ENMG and LNMB will be maintained also beyond the project end.



  • Go&Learn ruling documents set
  • Go&Learn catalogue of international circuits of study visits in company
  • Go&Learn network


added outcomes

  • Go&Learn local catalogues in Italy, Poland and Germany.


Go&Learn LNMB created:


  • G&L AGENCY FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA - IT Local Network Maintenance Body
  • G&L AGENCY LAKE CONSTANCE - DE Local Network Maintenance Body
  • G&L AGENCY POMERANIA GDANSK - PL Local Network Maintenance Body
  • G&L AGENCY PREŠOV PRC SCCI REGION - SK Local Network Maintenance Body
  • G&L AGENCY SSB NYÍREGYHÁZA - HU Local Network Maintenance Body
  • G&L AGENCY VOKA - ODISEE - BE Local Network Maintenance Body


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This page reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

